Planning Your Wedding Day

Preparing for Bridal Photos Through Laser Hair Removal

Many brides want to commemorate their wedding day by taking photographs of themselves in their gown. These bridal photos will serve as lasting memories of one of the most important days in a woman's life, and brides-to-be want to look their best in their bridal photos.

To avoid having unwanted hair or unsightly razor bumps show in your bridal photos, you can prepare for your big photoshoot by investing in laser hair removal. Here are three tips to help you prepare for a successful laser hairremoval treatment as you get ready to shoot your bridal photos.

1. Start preparing early.

A successful laser hair-removal treatment requires some important preparatory steps. These steps often start well in advance of your appointment, so it's critical that you plan ahead as you are trying to schedule your wedding timeline.

The tone of your skin at the time of your laser hair-removal appointment can have a dramatic effect on your overall results. The laser that eliminates hair growth uses a concentrated beam of light to locate individual follicles by using tone to differentiate between skin and hair. Your skin will absorb some of this light, and the darker your skin tone is at the time of treatment, the more light it will absorb. This could result in serious burns.

It's important that you skin be as pale as possible prior to your laser hair-removal session. Stop using self-tanners well in advance of your appointment, and try to schedule your session during the winter months when skin is exposed to the least amount of sunlight to maximize the success of your treatment.

2. Wear loose-fitting clothes to your appointment.

While you might be logging extra hours in the gym to shed some weight before your wedding, your laser hair-removal appointment is no time to try and show off the results of your efforts.

Wearing tight clothing to your appointment could cause you to experience more irritation than necessary at the treatment site. Even the softest fabric can feel coarse against newly lasered skin, so it's best to ensure your comfort by wearing loose-fitting clothing to your appointment.

3. Give yourself enough time to see results.

In order to ensure that your investment in laser hair removal is visible when it's time for your bridal photos to be taken, you need to give yourself enough time to undergo multiple treatments.

Everyone needs at least three treatments to see results, and some people can require up to six sessions for hair to be completely eliminated. Be sure that you allow enough time for multiple laser hair-removal treatments as you plan a date for your bridal photos.

Using laser hair removal as a tool to help you look your best in your bridal photos can be beneficial. Be sure you are properly prepared for laser hair removal by starting preparations early, wearing loose-fitting clothing to your appointment, and giving yourself enough time for multiple sessions before the date of your bridal photos.
