After Quarantine Beauty Treatments: Ideas For You
If you have been in quarantine from COVID-19, you are likely dreaming of the day that you can get out and get back to your regular routines. Though quarantines or stay-at-home orders are not currently mandated, you may still be staying home to be on the safe side and thinking about what you will do when you leave again. Beauty treatments may be at the top of your list for activities to engage in after quarantine. Get to know a few after quarantine beauty treatments you may want to invest in for yourself. These will help you feel more beautiful and more like your old self before COVID-19 reared its ugly head.
Laser Hair Removal
Over the weeks or months you have spent self-isolating and quarantining, you may not have kept up with your body hair treatments. If you struggle with facial hair, for example, you might have let that go, especially if you wear a mask if and when you do leave the house.
However, nothing makes you feel less beautiful than unwanted body hair. Rather than go to shaving or waxing, you may want to skip to a more permanent treatment option. Laser hair removal can be that option.
When you get laser hair removal, the dermatologist or technician uses concentrated light energy (the laser) to essentially damage the hair follicle. This destroys the hair in the follicle and prevents hair from regrowing there.
It can take a few sessions to get all the unwanted hair taken care of on your face, and several sessions if you are doing something like your entire leg. However, the end results are worth it and you will feel like showing off your body (and face) when the COVID-19 pandemic has passed.
Chemical Peel
If you want your face to look as fresh as possible after quarantine, then you will need to do a treatment or two. One of the options available to you, once you heal from your laser hair removal sessions, is a chemical peel.
Chemical peels involve the dermatologist or spa technician putting a combination of chemicals on your face in the form of a gel. These chemicals are left on the skin for a period of time, then wiped away. The chemicals peel away the top layers of skin to reveal younger, fresher looking skin underneath.
Now that you know a few beauty treatments to get after you are done with quarantine, you can get the process started and schedule your laser hair removal appointments as soon as you are ready to get out of the house.